What does "prate" mean?

What does "prate" mean?

From http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prate:
To talk long and idly : CHATTER

Eno River Sunrise

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Some Post-Election Predictions

Now that a very contentious election is over, here are a few predictions. The first three are pretty obvious, but the fourth is a bit of a flier.

  1. Congress will resume its role in providing oversight to the executive branch and rediscover its power of the purse.
  2. Democrats in congress and the press will amp up defense of the senate filibuster.
  3. Democrats in congress and the press will (re)discover the problems with executive orders and actions. Expect to hear opposition to "an imperial presidency."
  4. Hillary Clinton will receive a pardon in January 2017 - either from President Obama, or from President-Elect Trump after the inauguration.
p.s. One bit of good news about the presidential results: In 2017, we will be able to oppose the President's policies without being labeled a racist or a sexist.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you will see a long overdue house cleaning of the government. New blood in a number of positions will be a good thing if the right persons are put in place.

    I think that the President Elect will have to now put together a platform of initiatives. The election was about vitriol...the presidency has to be about constructive change...that is what the country actually voted for.

    We have a Republican majority in both the house and senate which is likely a good thing. Given the election...otherwise party lines could have been a significant obstacle.

    I don't think that President Trump will be beholden to anyone...you might consider that good and bad. Clearly, the rhetoric needs to be dialed down and I suspect that in a constructive environment it will be.

    The country has to come together and heal. The election has be divisive and (in a number of ways) the current administration has been divisive.
